Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy New Year, y'all.

OK, so it has been a while since I last posted.  Sorry about that.

I have just a few updates:

1. The Evergreen Community's Reports Task Force has officially changed its name to Evergreen Reports Interest Group.  The members voted on the change in October. I am particularly pleased about the change because I find the name more welcoming to newcomers and a far more accurate reflection of the group's activities.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of work to do on the wiki to get the name changed on all the pages. So the old name will be lingering for a while.

2. I added this page about reports-related development projects to the Evergreen wiki.

3. I am happy to be helping with the PINES development project mentioned on the link above. So far we have been asked to submit all the reports our library staff regularly need.   I am so excited at the prospect of having a reporting interface that will allow library staff to get the basic statistics they need quickly. (For more complex needs, we will still be using Evergreen's built-in reporting module.)

Currently I am catching up on some report requests that I received a while back. I have two posts in draft form now:

- Report to find empty volumes
- Report to help with OCLC updates after bulk deletes

Thanks for reading.

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